Wednesday, October 28, 2009

NaNoWriMo: Update on my Involvement ( or lack of ) and GREAT NEWS!

First off, NaNoWriMo is hard to type on my computer because I have completely lost the letters V,B,N,M, and the comma, which puts N in the middle of a bunch of blank keys. Very annoying.

Secondly, after a long, drawn out battle (read: some hemming and hawing over the last two weeks) over whether or not I'll participate in this year's write-fest, my mind was basically made up by my editor last night.

Despite the fact that I thought the timing might really be perfect - I'll be done with my editing, the bulk of the marketing projects under my belt, and a new project begun and gnawing at me to get written - it turns out it won't be good timing.

Why? you ask.

Because mid-November I am going to get my GALLEY PROOFS!! Yes, folks, my pages and pages of word document are going to be "paginated" (isn't that a cool word? I think it means they turn it into something that looks just like the book will look), and sent to me to do the final proof!

So the last two weeks of November, instead of poring over a blank page and spilling new ink, I'll be poring over the book I've already written, making sure we've caught all the mistakes, typos, spelling, punctuation mistakes, and otherwise polishing this baby to a presentable shine.


I have a release date! December 2009!

That's right! Only two more months and you, too, can order this baby on line!

Let the craziness begin!


  1. That is awesome, totally worth foregoing NaNoWriMo (I hate typing that word).

    Is the quickness of your release typical with a small publisher?

    I can't wait to see your cover.

  2. patti - I don't know about all small presses, but it's typical with this one. From signing to print, it will have taken about five months. I put everything else aside, though, when I received new sections for editing, and I usually turned those around within 24 hours. That made it go rather quickly.

    We're still working on the cover, but as soon as I have the final, it'll be up here on the blog!

  3. Congratulations. That is great news.

    I think your editor should send you some new keys for your keyboard. Sounds like they are working you too hard. :)

  4. Congrats! How exciting this is all so soon!

  5. oh wow! That's so awesome. And so fast! I love it.

    Definitely keep us updated on the whole process as you go, and share what you can of the galley (like the cover if they let you!)

  6. I love how writers keep saying this is going so fast, and non-writers keep asking why it's not in stores yet! :)

  7. OMG, I'm so happy for you!! You must be jumping out of your skin with anticipation.

    Congrats, I'll be sure to keep looking for all of your fabulous news!!

  8. I'll join the writer's camp...your release date makes my head spin! But I'm so excited for you...I can't wait to see your cover!!!!

  9. That is so soon! That's so exciting. And I wish there was a way to set my book up in microsoft as it would appear paginated in a real-life book. Is there a way? Anyway, congrats on coming so far and good luck with the editing!


    just keeps getting better all the time!!!

  11. Y'all are awesome! I know it seems fast in this very slow business, but I'm looking at it as the balance. I wrote slow - I publish fast! :)

    I am wishing I had more time to write, though. I think I might actually do something worthwhile with NaNo this time. Maybe I'll do a half NaNo. 25,000 in two weeks?


    Go you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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