Monday, November 23, 2009

The Cover Is In!

There is that feeling when you write that last word on the page, and you know the novel is finished. You look at the document sitting in your computer... you stroke the words on the lined paper in a notebook... you see those last words and think:  I wrote a real book!

Then there is a long process - usually very long - before you get to the next time you feel that way. There are queries and contracts and revisions and edits. That real book starts feeling like a work in progress again. But one day you open up your email and you realize....I wrote a real book!!

And that's the day you get the cover of your book.

So last week I got mine. I guess this makes it official.  :)


  1. Wow!!! Congratulations Heidi! I know this must be sooo exciting. I think it looks great. Definitely makes you want to know what's inside. :0)

  2. Awesome cover, totally love it and I'm jealous of that feeling you're having.

    I can't wait to read it.

  3. That is so great! You have written a book indeed!

    It must be a relief that they picked a cool cover for the book. Doesn't always happen, right?

  4. I love the picture, mostly because I'm from Kansas and a big fan of prairies. So I find it very appealing. I like the windmill, nice touch. Did you have any say in the cover? I know, typically authors don't. I remember you sent them covers that you liked.

  5. Believe it... you have come this far!!

  6. Oh it's beautiful! Congratulations! I can't wait to see our cover!

  7. It's gorgeous thought not as lovely as the writing in between. I'm so excited for you!!!!!!
